You’re welcome here

10.30am every Sunday: The first and third Sundays each month include a holy communion. On the second and fourth we have morning praise. Everything is designed to be accessible for all, children and young people are especially welcome. We don’t send them out of the service and don’t mind a bit of noise. Refreshments are available throughout, help yourself.

We will gladly pray for you, if that’s what you would like. Directly after the service on the third Sunday we have a shared meal provided (just pay as you feel and/or bring a dessert to share).

9.30am Wednesday: Holy Communion in the church lounge on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. All welcome!

2.30 to 4.30pm every Wednesday: Places of Welcome happens. Not a service, more a drop-in! Play dominoes, try the quiz, have cake and company. All welcome.

7pm every Thursday: Small groups meet in church. This is a fluid, relaxed time where we can study the Bible at a pace which suits you, whether you’re a beginner or someone who has great experience. We all practice listening to one another because none of us has all the answers.

If you would like more time-specific information about what’s coming up at St James’, please do contact us and ask to be on the list which is regularly emailed out - or check us out on Facebook or Instagram